A downloadable game for Windows


Follow the dragon group in this arcade platform game with the spirit of retro titles. In a hidden forest inhabited by small dragons, a group of little dragons, named Draco, the playful little green dragon, Gixy, the cheerful little pink dragon, and Maru, the brave little red dragon, embark on a journey to look for fruit, in this case, looking for strawberries, until they notice strange events such as hostile dragons or rotten strawberries, out of curiosity they enter a cave until they discover that a mysterious little black dragon, was inside, and did not have good intentions with the colorful dragonian group, after leaving the cave, the little dragon protagonists decide to travel to the mysterious rock castle that emerged in the mountains of Dragonia, to investigate the strange events, and if necessary, face the mysterious black dragon, who seems to be behind all the strange events in Dragonia.

Advance, jump, throw seeds, blow bubbles, attack with sticks, collect strawberries and diamonds, and search for secrets in this retro arcade-style platform game with the dragonian group , reminiscent of the titles of the 80's and early 90's

Key Features

- Arcade platform

To advance, take advantage of the abilities of each little dragon when given the opportunity or at will in sections, attack from afar with Draco's seeds, jump from bubble to bubble with Gixy, or have notable damage to bosses and enemies with Maru's staff blows, among other things

- Collect the diamonds, benefit from your search

In the stages, 3 collectible diamonds are distributed in the middle of the stage, collect them and obtain rewards at the end of the scenarios on your journey through Dragonia

- Individual game, 3-character campaign

Each little dragon is unique in its own way, take advantage of its advantages to cross the scenarios and obtain the collectibles of each world

- Secret chests in each world, observer and find them all!

Each world will have a secret chest hidden in some setting in each world, find the chests with a reward for finding them, in addition, each chest will have a guest little dragon for company! being original characters from other artists of that type

Controls in play (By default, they can be changed or played with a controller)

Up: Up arrow
Down: Down arrow
Left: Left Arrow
Right: Right arrow
Attack: S
Jump: D
Escape (Esc): ARGS options menu , it works like the pause.

It should be noted that for now it is a demo, but its development will undoubtedly continue!


Sigue al grupo dragoniano en este juego arcade de plataformas con el espíritu de los títulos retro

En un bosque oculto habitado por dragones pequeños, un grupo de pequedragones, de nombres, Draco, el dragoncito juguetón verde, Gixy, la dragoncita alegre rosa, y Maru, el dragoncito valiente rojo, se embarcan en un viaje a buscar fruta, en este caso, buscar fresas, hasta que se percatan de sucesos extraños como dragones hostiles o fresas podridas, por curiosidad entran en una cueva hasta que descubren que un misterioso dragoncito negro, se encontraba dentro, y no tenia buenas intenciones con el grupo colorido dragoniano, después de salir de la cueva, los pequedragones protagonistas, deciden viajar al misterioso castillo rocoso surgido en las montañas de Dragonia, para investigar los sucesos extraños, y de ser necesario, encarar al misterioso dragón negro, quien parece estar detrás de todo los sucesos raros en Dragonia

Avanza, salta, lanza semillas, sopla burbujas, ataca con varas, recoge fresas y diamantes, y busca secretos en este juego estilo arcade retro de plataformas con el grupo dragoniano, con reminiscencia a los titulos de los 80´s y principios de los 90´s

Características Clave

- Arcade plataformero

Para avanzar, aprovecha las habilidades de cada pequedragon cuando se den la oportunidad o a voluntad en secciones, ataca de lejos con las semillas de Draco, salta de burbuja a burbuja con Gixy, o has daño notable a jefes y enemigos con los golpes de vara de Maru, entre otras cosas mas

- Colecciona los diamantes, benefíciate con tu búsqueda

En los escenarios están repartidos 3 diamantes coleccionables a mitad de escenario, recógelos y obtén recompensas al final de los escenarios en tu viaje por Dragonia

- Juego individual, Campaña de 3 personajes

Cada pequedragón es único a su manera, aprovecha sus ventajas para cruzar por los escenarios y obtener los coleccionables de cada mundo

- Cofres secretos en cada mundo, se observador y encuéntralos todos!

Cada mundo tendrá un cofre secreto escondido por algún escenario en cada mundo, encuentra los cofres con una recompensa por su hallazgo, además, cada cofre tendrá de compañía, un pequedragón invitado! siendo personajes originales de otros artistas de esa índole

Controles en juego (Por defecto, pueden ser cambiados o jugar con un mando)

Arriba: Flecha arriba
Abajo: Flecha abajo
Izquierda: Flecha Izquierda
Derecha: Flecha derecha
Ataque: S
Salto: D
Escape (Esc): Menu de opciones de ARGS, funciona como el pausa

Cabe recalcar que por ahora es un demo, pero, seguirá su desarrollo sin duda alguna!

Edwin Cordero Enriquez/Shooting Star Universe - 2024

#platformer #arcade #retro


Draco The Littledragon And Friends.7z 23 MB

Install instructions

A 7z compressed file where the stored file of the demo game comes in .args format, and one called cabinet, load the cabinet with a double click to start the program, and with that, start the game (It is recommended to put it in a single folder), and ready, let's try the game

Development log


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I have this weird error whenever I start the game (I'm on Windows 7)

Hi, thanks for reporting the error, I reviewed the demo and the same thing happened to me as you (I run it on Windows 10), the game content starts well in Arcade Game Studio in development mode, but it compresses them badly , so I changed the used engine for a newer and unused one to compress the game again, in fact I uploaded the game again for download

Looks great! if you can please add version for Mac so I can play your game!

Hi, the engine I use for the game, Arcade Game Studio, only works for Windows operating systems, so there is no version for Mac, although there is a possibility if it is run together with the Wine or Wineskin applications on Mac

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